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Writer's pictureJen McNulty


Here's My Heart

John 14:23-24

Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. 24 Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.


When God asks you to move, you are to move. You are not to get in His business and decide what is best. You are to do what He asks so He can move through you and move in others. You may not understand why and that is alright. You don’t see the full picture. Only God sees that. He is aware of what needs to be done and why. You don’t know what He is using you for. You may question if you hear what He asks. You may wonder if you heard Him right. He will keep asking until you move. Gently He calls you to do what He needs done.

The more you practice hearing Him and following through on His requests the more peace you will find. The more you do this the easier it will be to do and leave all in His hands. It is hard at first. You expect to see results. Remember what you do is God’s work. These are not your results. They are His. You are merely the instrument He is using. You are vessel. You are a vessel for God to move through. Let peace move through you. Give God your heart and let God’s love grow in you. Spend time in prayer. Spend time in silence with God. Listen to His truth. Be guided by His light. God can use you more efficiently the more you grow with Him.

It is hard to let go. It is hard to leave all in His hands. It is hard to do His work and just move on. What you do may just be the beginning of God planting a seed. It may not grow into anything for years to come. You may be just one of many God is using to call someone to Him. It may take hundreds of people to get one person to feel a tug on their heart. Do and move. Move on to what God calls you to do next. Do it with loving kindness. Do it with peace in your heart. Put all anger and resentment in God’s hands. Move on to what God calls you to do next.

The enemy wants to stop you from doing God’s work. He will whisper in your ear all the things that could go wrong to try and prevent you from obeying God and believing you are hearing God. He wants you to worry about what other people will think. The enemy gets angry when He sees you working with God. He hates to see you partner with Him. The more you say yes to God the more the enemy will fight you. Do negative thoughts and words come easy to you? Does judgement come easy to you? If so it is merely due to practice. God’s work will come easy as well the more you practice. Recognize the enemies work. Call it what it is. Recognize it in you. Shut it down. Do not be a channel of the enemy’s anger, jealousy and hate. Stop and think about how fast, and without question, you move for the enemy? God wants you to move that fast for Him. He wants loving kindness to come naturally for you. The more you work with God the more room you make for God to bless you and bless others through you.

Remember you do not walk alone. You walk with God. Your journey is intertwined with the journey of those around you. Can they see that you walk with God? Can they feel His love when they get close to you? When you serve the Lord, they will always see it. They may not acknowledge it or recognize it but something in them will be nudged towards God.

Thank God for the little things He asks you to do. He is seeing if you will follow. He is preparing you for bigger things. Thank God for the difficult things He asks you to do. He trusts you. He knows you have it in you to do His work. Be thankful you are helping to move mountains. Do what God asks of you with boldness and confidence.


Father God,

Thank You for trusting me with Your work, little things and big things. Thank You for using me as a channel of Your peace and love. Forgive me for the times I question Your call on my heart to move. Forgive me when I ponder what I will get out of helping someone else. Help me to do what you ask of me, without question, and without thinking what I will gain. Show me my heart Lord. Help me to start each day by giving you my life. Show me how to follow You and be guided by Your light. Help me to move without questions. You bless and love me and because of that I am free. May those blessings flow through me. Break through me Lord so I may do Your work with boldness and confidence!


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