Psalm 18:2
The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
Who are you holding accountable for your happiness? Is it you? Because you are the only one accountable for your happiness, your failures, and your successes. It is easy to get worn out and become vulnerable to attack and rely on others’ actions help you to feel alright. If you are disappointed with who you are, how you are being treated and your life what do you want to do about it?
The enemy wants you to rely on others to make you happy and feel lovable. He wants you to not only depend on this but truly believe it is someone else’s job to rescue you. If you are waiting on someone else to save you then you will never get healthy. The enemy is counting on that. He works with blame and shame to keep you in turmoil so you can contribute chaos to the world. He whispers accusations and deflates you. You are not happy because someone didn’t show up and make you happy. You are not whole because no one came into your life to complete you. You have been shafted by God, your spouse, family, and friends.
When you feel under attack and hopeless what do you do? Do you show up for you? Do you join in and allow the voices in your head to mimic what is being said without questioning the truth? Do you hold yourself accountable to be on your side, support you, or do you shrink and disappear?
God sees you. He is on your side and wants you to be on your side as well. His heart goes out to you. He calls you to find peace by being accountable. You don’t need anyone to show up for you but God and you. You don’t need anyone to complete you. You are complete. You were made whole. God accepts you and loves you where you are at. He doesn’t want you filling the void with the opinions of others because that leads to not being your true authentic self. Rely on His truth and His love and your truth and love will grow for yourself.
Father God
Thank you for calling me to praise all that is good. Thank you for calling me to be grateful and accountable. Forgive me for holding others accountable for my happiness. Forgive me for when I leave myself in difficult situations and become part of the attack mob. May I recognize those attack statements and question them. “You are crazy. You are being emotional. You aren’t clear. You are not valued. You are a failure.” May, I tune in to your voice and your presence and be my authentic self.