Psalms 62:5
My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him
Are you disappointed in someone? Do you have expectations that are not being met? Are you asking why someone is not coming through for you? Are you discouraged, feeling alone, and relying on someone to be there for you that isn’t showing up. Turn to God and ask Him to see the full picture. You may be assuming this someone doesn’t care. You may be assuming they are selfish, and they no longer want to be in your life. Your assumptions, you have believed to be truths, may be quite the opposite. What does God see?
Before you assume someone, isn’t coming through for you, ask yourself if you have missed something? What is going on in their life? Perhaps there is a job change, illness, family crisis or relationship change that you don’t know about. This may make it difficult for someone to be available for anyone else. Perhaps they are in survival mode. Ask God to help you see things different? Have you been so wrapped up in your own needs that you have failed to look outside yourself and understood someone's needs.
Are you holding on to a belief about someone that is driving how you treat them? They don’t care about me. They don’t invest in our friendship. They don’t give me gifts. If they love me, they would do this or do that, is a dangerous thought. This thought puts expectations on others that they don’t even know about. The enemy builds up these expectations in your mind. He wants you to believe you are entitled to be treated and loved a certain way. He wants you to build unrealistic expectations about life, family and friends so they can’t be met. When your expectations are not met you get disappointed. The enemy loves to see you in this state. He wants to keep you discouraged with others, with yourself and with God. When you are, you fail to love. You turn inward and think only about yourself and you fester. Fester on judgement, fester on jealousy and fester on all you do not have. The more you fester the wider the divide between you and God becomes. God doesn’t leave, but you do.
The enemy wants you to believe everything is about you. That is the first place he wants you to go to. If your friend doesn’t call you than clearly, she is mad at you. If your spouse doesn’t ask you how your day was, he doesn’t love you. If your children do not pick up after themselves, they don’t care about you. If your boss doesn’t acknowledge your hard work, he doesn’t appreciate you. If everyone around you doesn’t behave the way you want, give you what you want, and show up when and how you want, they just don’t love you and you do not matter. The enemy wants you to believe that others are here to serve you. He wants you to believe that when someone disappoints you it is because they just don’t care enough about you. You don’t matter.
You always matter to God. God calls you to turn to Him. Turn to Him, instead of others, for your needs. It is so easy to get in a state of disappointment and discouragement when you don’t keep your focus on God. It is easy to slip back to old habits when you don’t guard your thoughts. When old habits and old thoughts come rushing in, say nope! Nope, not going to go there. God wants you to expect much of Him. Don’t focus on what others can give you, but what God provides you. Take your expectations off others. Put them on God. Put them on yourself. Humans will fail you. God will not fail you! You will even fail you. But still expect more of yourself. Look up Child! Expect yourself to rise. Expect yourself to conquer. Expect yourself to self-care. Expect yourself to turn to God in your needs. Expect to do the hard work to move forward. Most of all expect God to work. He will work for you.
Look up child! Look up with expectation.
Father God,
Thank you for never failing me. I always matter to you. Thank you for calling me to expect more of myself. Forgive me for when I get lost in my beliefs, focus on those beliefs, and pull away from you. Forgive me for the times I get completely self absorbed, judgemental and jealous. You are constantly there, reminding me of your unfailing love, and calling me back to You. May I not only expect much of You but have faith that You will come through. Help me to expect much of myself. Help me to not just understand, but live like I matter to me and to You. Help me expect myself to show up, rise up, and look up.
In Jesus' name,