Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand
You are not forgotten. You are loved. God has always been there. He has never left. He calls you, chases you. He rescues you. He is here. Lean in. He wants you to hear Him say, “I am here for you. I’m here simply means I love you. I love you without judgement, without expectations. It means I am here in all the mess. True to you. I will always be here. Believe in me. I believe in you. My love says you can lash out and I am still here. It says you can go away, forget about me, doubt your love for me, and I will be here. I am here. Never going to give up. Not going to stop loving you. I am tied to you. You are part of My heart.”
His love is calling you to come, to push, to fight and realize your immense value. He sends armies into the darkness to find you. He prepares others for battle to help lead you! Look back. How has He rescued you? How has He reached into the darkness and pulled you out of and through a bad relationship, difficult job, a loss, or a mistake. Who has He sent to you? Do you recognize His army? Do you recognize the countless times He has been there, calling you, reaching out to you and offering you help? He has not let you down?
Oh, the ways He loves. God models what love looks like. Love sacrifices, doesn’t give up, shows up, is unconditional and just is. No matter how bad it gets, how stubborn you are, how tight you hold on to your pride, He will be here. He isn’t given up. He is relentlessly pursuing you. God is fighting for you. Fight for Him. Do what it takes to take a step closer to Him.
As God relentlessly pursues you, to save you and show you His love, the enemy pursues you to destroy you and prevent you from accepting God’s love. The enemy hides in the darkness. He wants to keep you in that darkness. He fears the armies that God sends to rescue you. He cannot compete with them. All it takes is for you to question just one of the enemy’s lies to diminish his power. Call him out. Each time you do, you take a step out of the darkness and into the light. You recognize God is here. Hear God say it, “I’m here!”
Yes, God pursues you. Stop running and let Him catch you. Dig in and do the work. Find a little bit of brave in you to make the move. If you feel stuck, at least pivot. Pivot right where you are, away from the darkness. You may not be strong enough to take a step in His direction, but you can at least turn toward Him. You can pray and when you pray to God for something expect to be answered. Expect to receive it. Expect mountains to move.
Pivot! Pivot towards Him. Pivot towards His Mercy. Pivot towards His love. Pivot and see He has always been there, with an army, to rescue you.
Father God,
Thank You for pulling me through the storm. Thank You for sending an army to come find me. Thank You for rescuing me. You are the only one that can truly rescue. You surround me with love and support. Forgive me for the times I assumed you were not there. Forgive me for the times I was so focused on my plan I failed to see the immense work You were doing, for me, on Your plan. You are here! Devoted to me. You are truly what humanity is constantly searching for. Help me to truly understand this love you freely give me. Help me to pivot when I can't move. Help me to be the reason someone else has the strength and courage to pivot.
In Jesus' name,