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Writer's picture: Jen McNultyJen McNulty


Psalm 56:3-4

When I am afraid

I will put my trust in You.

In God, whose word I praise

I shall not be afraid

What can mere man do to me?


Have you had a change of passion? Are you having trouble focusing on what is in front of you? What has shifted? Maybe you are being called to do something else. Maybe God wants to use you somewhere else or in another way. You must be ready to shift for God. Do you step out in faith? How long does He have to call you for you for you to make a move? Make a plan to take on God’s plan.

The enemy wants to create chaos and fear in your life to prevent you from feeling like you can do anything of significance. Your life is chaotic now, how can you possibly take on anything else? He is trying to block you from going toward your passion. If he can get you, to not only accept the madness in your life, but contribute to making it bigger he succeeds. God has prepared you for this moment. He has trained you for a purpose. As God refines you the enemy works hard to corrupt you. He wants to ruin the seed God planted in you, so it doesn’t grow into fruition. He is constantly introducing frustration and insecurities into your life. Face the frustration. Question the insecurities.

Insecurity creeps in. It comes with a thought. As you try to push forward the enemy is pulling you back. He plants thoughts of doubt in your head. “You don’t measure up. People are annoyed with you. You can’t do anything right. These pants you have on were clearly the wrong pants to wear and can you say bad, bad hair day. Did you see the way she looked at you? What is her problem? She doesn’t like you.” As you shrink inside yourself the enemy dances with delight. A wave of ugh comes over you and you feel pressed down. It can feel like your insecurities are leading you. They jump out in front of you to great all you encounter. You are baffled by the awkwardness that ensues as you try to keep your composure. The harder you try the more you melt into a puddle of woe. What if you just let the insecurity flow through you without self-judgment? It isn’t what you are wearing, how your hair turned out or who is not paying attention to you that is causing you to be insecure. It is how you react and resist. Welcome your thoughts without resistance. They are just thoughts. Don’t give them power. The enemy wants you to think that everything that comes into your head is true. He wants to drive you away from your purpose. If he can keep you focused on doubt and frustration, he stops you from listening to God’s call and doing God’s work.

How many dreams has the enemy succeeded in dashing? Ask yourself what desire is God placing on your heart? Acknowledge God’s plan and invite Him to use you. God works within your free will. You choose to follow him or not.

Make a practice to find God in the moments of insecurity, the mundane, the tedious, and the things you take for granted. By doing so you won’t confuse His calling with a state of boredom. You won’t confuse your insecurities with how God sees you. You will recognize the enemy’s work at hand.

Resisting the enemy and block him from infiltrating your life takes practice. Keep your mind God centered. Protect your mind by making wise decisions on what you watch on television, who you surround yourself with, and how you take care of yourself physically. Know your strengths and weaknesses. If you tend to be swayed by gossip, take yourself out of situations where gossip will take place. If you tend to eat unhealthily, avoid restaurants where you tend to make bad choices and don’t bring unhealthy food into your house. If you tend to get anxiety and riddled with fear after watching a certain show on television than don’t watch that show. Observe yourself. Get to know what has a positive and negative effect on you.

What is your passion? What is blocking you from hearing God’s call? Are you being flooded with negativity and letting the enemy pull you in a direction that is opposite of God’s desire for you. Stop the madness. Make a move. Move by taking it one moment at a time. God will work within you to make the change. Accept His calling and ask Him for help. He has great plans for you. One day you will look back and be wowed with all He did to get you to your destination.

Move forward! Don’t be afraid! Do not despair! Put your trust in God! Turn to the King of your heart!


Father God,

Thank you for placing a calling on my heart to do something different, to be different. Thank you for blessing me with gifts and talents that allow me to make that shift. You have planted a seed within me, that will grow into something beautiful if I don’t neglect to nourish it. Forgive me for allowing my insecurities to block myself. Forgive me for believing those insecurities and not protecting my mind and heart by making wise decisions. I have the power to choose. Help me to make wise decisions that help me to push forward in you direction. When a thought crosses my mind help me to question it before I own it. I no longer want to be afraid. Be the King of my heart!

In Jesus' name,



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