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Writer's picture: Jen McNultyJen McNulty

King of My Heart

Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.


God fights for you. He chases you. He doesn’t give up on you. He is here to support you. He is here to guide you and pull you forward. He needs your help. Work hard with Him. Work hard for yourself.

God calls you to grow. He calls you to renew your mind. Reflect on your behavior. Know when it is necessary to do better. If you don’t know where to get started than surrender, listen to God’s guidance, and then move. Surrender but don’t just sit there. Don’t expect God to fix everything with no work on your part. Growth is work. Change is work. You must work with God. God sees your potential. There are days it will be difficult. You will want to throw your hands in the air and walk away. Don’t quit. Don’t let your mind go there. Proceed. Proceed knowing that good will come out of the hard work. You may fail many times on the way to trying to learn a lesson. Just when you think you have it you regress, get discouraged and disappointed in yourself. It may feel like a failure, but it is not. It might feel like you have fallen but it really is just a stumble. You are going to stumble a lot. Pick yourself up. Wipe yourself off and get going. Stumbling and getting back up is progress. Stumbling, getting back up and not blaming anyone else is success. Do not waste time blaming others.

God may be telling you to look at something in yourself that is painful. The easy way out would be to do nothing. But easy isn’t the best way. Easy is staying where you are at because you are afraid to make a move. Don’t do the easy thing. Do the brave thing. Move scared and rescue yourself. You rescue yourself when you choose prayer over complaining, when you choose reflecting on yourself over bashing yourself, when you choose practice over giving up. Don’t waste time feeling sorry for yourself. God has equipped you.

You are powerful. Be careful what thoughts you hold on to. Be careful what you fixate on. You give power to the thoughts you allow to flood your mind. If you want that thought to grow in your life give it attention. If it is something that isn’t calling you to be more, do not give it an unnecessary amount of time. Are your thoughts full of I cant’s, it’s too hard, it’s just not worth it? If so you are moving in the wrong direction. How do you know you are not just moving in the wrong direction but lost there? You are stressed out. You are filled with worry. You are overwhelmed. You are sad. You lack joy!

The enemy wants you lost. He wants you to have the mindset that things won’t get better. The more you believe this the more negative energy builds up. You share this energy with your family, your work place and your friends. The more negative energy you spread, the more you are doing the enemy’s work for him. The enemy knows you are a powerful influencer. He wants you to influence people to move in his direction, not Gods. Your thoughts direct the direction you move in. Your words reinforce that direction.

God wants that direction to be towards Him. He wants you see how powerful you are and see what an influencer you are. Do you bring a storm or sunshine with you when you enter a room? Bring the sunshine. In order to be able to bring that sunshine you need to protect your peace. Protect your peace by building boundaries. Boundaries tell yourself I am not going back there. Boundaries are a stronghold and allow for renewing your mind. Boundaries protect your spirit and tell others what is and isn't acceptable behavior toward you. They point you in the direction of God and block the enemy. You are protecting the vessel of the King of your heart.

Pray. Surrender. Listen to God’s guidance. Protect and practice. Practice moving in the direction of God.


Father God,

You are the King of my heart and you are never going to let me down. Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for continually calling me to reflect on my behavior and grow. Forgive me for when I just don’t want to do the work and I get caught up in I can’t, I don’t want to, it isn’t worth it, or it is just too hard. You know what is best for me. You are building a strong foundation for me to stand on and be confident in myself and Your love. I know you can’t do it alone. I must help with the heavy lifting. I must fight the negative thoughts and lean in Your direction. Help me to be strong when the enemy bombards my mind with doubt. Help me to see Your truth and head toward You. May I surrender to You, pray for guidance, listen, protect and practice, practice, practice, until it comes naturally.

In Jesus’ name,



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