Philippians 4:11
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin says that “we are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” There are moments when my spiritual being struggles with human experiences. I want to be able to look at others with love and not have a story for them. I want to be able to see them where they are at and just accept them. I want to be able to not take it personal and not make it about me.
If I can separate my human experience from my spiritual being that would be helpful. If my spiritual being could recognize your spiritual being and not put any value on your human experience that would be loving. To be able to step back as a spiritual being and recognize my human experience is having difficulty with your human experience and accept it, not judge it or take ownership of it would alleviate suffering. Suffering comes in when I want to change you, so I feel peace. Suffering comes in when I want who you are to be different to make me happy. Suffering comes in when I put an expectation on you. I expect you to love me, take care of me, behave in a certain way. Suffering comes in when I do not see you and accept you or see myself and accept myself.
Our spiritual beings are perfect. From the time I was a small child I remember being told I had a soul/spirit that would separate from this body at death and return to God. That soul is in a body having a human experience. I pay more attention to the human body than I do the soul. I concentrate more on perfecting a human instead of recognizing and being present in my soul.
We don’t have to wait until death to separate that human body from the spiritual being. We could do it now. The spiritual being is what connects to God, guides us and helps us to be loving and accepting. It is what teaches the human experience in us to be soft, gentle and patient.
I want to see others as spiritual beings and recognize their human experiences but not judge them. It all starts with me. As I grow and accept the spiritual being that I am and recognize my human experience with loving kindness I can transfer that onto others. I can’t treat others any better than I treat myself. If I want to be genuinely kind and loving to others I need to be genuinely kind and loving to myself. If I want to be content with others I need to be content with myself.
Father God help me to recognize and focus on the spiritual being that I am and be patient with the struggles and thankful for the joy my human experiences bring. May the spiritual being in me recognize the spiritual beings in the people that come into my life today. May I pause when needed and reconnect with you. Today is a gift. May I recognize the gift that you have given me. Amen!