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Writer's pictureJen McNulty


Updated: Oct 11, 2018

Psalm 30:1 NLT

I will exalt you, Lord, for you rescued me.

You refused to let my enemies’ triumph over me.


God doesn’t do the expected. You pray with expectations. You question when your prayers aren’t answered, the way you wanted them to be answered and in the time you desired. Where you can get in trouble is when you assign personal worth to answered prayers. When you question God’s choices on how to answer your prayers you put limits on Him. God is a limitless God. If a mountain hasn’t been moved it is because He has not ordained it to be moved. This is not due to a lack of worth on your part. On the contrary it is due to your immense value. God sees all you are capable of. He is spending time with you, directing you to bring out the best in you.

Sometimes you can be your own worst enemy. When you question God and yourself you become an enemy to yourself. You pause the work God is trying to do. You lack faith. God is continually working to help you triumph over your enemies, including yourself. What triumph looks like to you looks different to God. God protects you. What does it mean to triumph? Sometimes it simply means you are successful in enduring what seems to be the unbearable. You wait patiently. You recognize His power. You are in agreement that He is doing what is best and you accept His way.


Dear Father God,

Thank you for helping me to endure the unbearable times. Thank you for gently guiding me in the direction You know is best for me. Forgive me for questioning You and for the times I want to give up. Help me to recognize Your indescribable power, to rest in your silence and to always choose to believe in You, even when I don't understand.


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