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Writer's pictureJen McNulty


1 Corinthians 14:33

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters


Before you decide you are unmotivated today get up, exercise for 10 minutes, step outside breathe in the fresh air, and take a shower. Get dressed and do your hair. Motivation will not come by sitting on the couch and thinking about how unmotivated you are.

The enemy wants you to reinforce daily that you are unmotivated. Each day you wake up and practice that thought you are building a habit that allows the enemy to block your beauty from reaching the world. He is tricky! He will overwhelm you. He will convince you that you need time to relax. If he can stop you from doing and moving he can stop you from living. He wants you to just exist. He wants you to believe if you are feeling unmotivated you should give up for the day. Embrace that feeling. Don’t question it. Don’t try.

God calls you to motivate yourself. Defy being unmotivated. Work around that feeling. Try! Get up and move. If you are spending your time binging television, eating, gossiping, complaining, etc. you are numbing yourself. Numbing leads to a lack of motivation. God asks you to question that feeling. This doesn’t mean that feeling isn’t valid. It just means you don’t have to sit in it and wallow. Don’t be disturbed by it. There are days you will try to pull yourself into motivation and it just doesn’t work. Accept it. This is just a moment. Tomorrow you can try again.


Father God,

Thank You for Your presence. Thank You calling me to push past what I don’t want to do and try. Forgive me for starting the day accepting not being motivated. Forgive me for blaming You or anything else for my lack of motivation. I will work on giving myself the chance to get motivated each morning by forming better habits. Help me to recognize when I accept being unmotivated with out question. May I always try and not just give up for the day.


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